Tuesday, December 18, 2007


I just posted about Cloverfield on Lost abc.com and nobody answered!!!!! What's wrong with those people! They are such jerks I just joined on there and now they treat me like crap. :'(
Anyway what did you guys think? J.J Abrams created it and it looks awesome, except nobody else thinks so. :( I think a lot of movies and shows J.J created are awesome!!! Does anybody think so or do they not like him anymore. JJ Is like THE most awesome dude like EVER and stuff! :-D Like anyone who does not LIKE him, is like crazy! seriously I mean he created Lost and Lost is like the BEST show ever!!!!

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Hi, I'm new and here is a little about me.

Hey my name is Kate and I have no idea what a blog is, I just created this, because some people told me to. So stop sending me stuff that I don't like please :)

About Me

I love the show Sherlock, it is amazing and they stay true to the book. I never thought there would ever be a show to compare to Lost, but Doctor Who and Sherlock have proved me wrong! http://fringechuckfan.tumblr.com/